Friday, May 14, 2010

A Man Falls Out of a Tree

It was funny when I read 'Councillor killed in fall from tree', on MSN news. A Green Party councillor, avid arborist, had fallen from a tree and died. Nothing funny about that, you'd say, but what was funny, were the comments by the readers. Billy Bumbler's ''s such a tragedy he must be leafing us now', didn't quite match the humour of certain 'Bull....'

'...I just add that it could (read could!!!) have been the local majority muslims sabotaging it. Branching out, to speak and cut.'

And I heard myself saying, 'They really hate us.'

I know a few Brits, some are absolutely wonderful and yet after reading this I am looking over my shoulder thinking, are they saying 'they all do smell funny' when I turn my back. Maybe they feel the same way I do at this comment, when a man decides to leave a car full of explosives in a busy square, 'Will she too blow up with the birthday cake candles at the party?'

I felt sad. Perhaps the comment was meant to be half funny and perhaps doesn't even respresent the views of the majority. Still, I wonder.

A man falls out of a tree and they look at us!.

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